
The Relationship Marketer’s Guide for Back-to-School in 2023

After a couple of years of remote learning, schools have now fully transitioned back to in-person classes, and brick-and-mortar stores are business as usual, meaning there will be a slight shift back toward in-store purchasing from online.

For marketers, that means connecting all digital properties with the in-store experience to deliver a truly integrated customer experience. As your customer moves from Instagram to website to email, these channels should seamlessly integrate. To win the hearts of today’s digitally savvy consumer, rather than leave everything to the last minute like kids with their homework, proactive retail marketers are instead getting ready to implement Relationship Marketing strategies that put the customer at the heart of everything.

So, sharpen your pencils, straighten your tie and download the guide. Let’s kick off the school year properly and deliver top-of-the-class Relationship Marketing, from acquisition to loyalty.